Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mark's Ordination

Mark was ordained at our church, Swiss Cove Christian on Wed. evening, it was a really nice service. The band was great! Bob Gailey spoke about Mark and some of their times they had worked together in Haiti. Gary surprised everyone with a song he had written just for the service. Kathy and Denise had just got back from Brazil the day before and brought Mark a Bible with English and Portuguese translations, he has been reading it every day since! My favorite part of the service was when Nick and Noah got up to speak, I was so proud of them! ( I know pride is bad, but a mom can't help herself sometimes!) It was pretty hard not to cry as I listened to both of them read scripture and talk about their Dad, some friends came up later and told me they also got teary!
Fellowshiping after with friends from both churches went by much too fast and I didn't get to spend enough time with everyone, but I loved seeing you all!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job on the blog!!
    Loved the ordination and the outpouring of love from the church. I've never been a part of that kind of blessing!I, too, was very moved by your boys and the love and appreciation they have for their parents and your faith in serving God!!
